
Cleaning and Disinfecting Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Equipment

Endoscopes are inadequately reprocessed and have raised undue fear regarding the potential for transmission of infection during endoscopy. When current guidelines for endoscope cleaning and disinfection are followed, this risk is virtually eliminated. This topic has largely been taken for granted by many endoscopists, however. Standardized cleaning and disinfection protocols have been available for some […]

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Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) or SonoEndoscope Repair

Sonoendoscopes or Endoscopic Ultrasounds are expensive and relatively fragile. These equipment need good care and proper handling is important. The fiber-optic cables are fragile and easily damaged. Most common damages or defects in endoscopic ultrasound machines are blockages, leakages, angulation, image quality issues etc. Endoscopic ultrasound repair services are available in India – Air or

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What is the difference between a colonoscopy and an endoscopy?

Colonoscopy vs. endoscopy—what’s the difference? If you’ve been suffering from gastrointestinal issues, your doctor may have recommended either a colonoscopy or an endoscopy. While both procedures address issues in the same area of the body, they are used to observe and diagnose different medical symptoms. In this post, we’ll explore the differences between the two procedures

What is the difference between a colonoscopy and an endoscopy? Read More »

5 Common Issues Faced by Your Flexible Endoscope

Endoscopy is an invasive diagnostic medical imaging process. Unlike other non-invasive medical imaging techniques, endoscopes are directly inserted into the body for detailed examination of tissues, surfaces, or the interior of organs through the mouth or anus or via small incisions in the body. Endoscopes are expensive and rather fragile. The life of an endoscopic

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What is endoscopy? What are the different organs examined using an endoscope?

Endoscopy is an umbrella term used for the various invasive procedures which involve using an endoscope to examine the interior of an organ (such as kidney) or a cavity (such as mediastinum) of the body. This is an invasive procedure as the endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ for diagnostic and / or therapeutic purposes.

What is endoscopy? What are the different organs examined using an endoscope? Read More »